Brew guide
There are many variables, tips, and tricks when it comes to making espresso. As soon as you’ve got the hang of it, you’ll find there’s something new to learn. We’re going to start with a beginner’s guide.
Before you get into it, you may want to check out our Intro to coffee brew guide for a few tips on getting the most out of your coffee - use fresh, use a grinder, and use filtered water. As these things are extra important with espresso, we’re going to cover them again in this guide.
Step-by-step: The coffee
The coffee that you make with an espresso machine can be referred to as the 'extraction'. You may also know it as the espresso or a short black. The extraction is the base of every espresso coffee.
Fill the basket.
- A quick and easy way (but not 100% accurate) of doing this is just making sure the coffee completely fills the basket and is level across the top.
- Another way that is more accurate but takes a little more time is using digital scales to weigh the amount of coffee you are using. Place the coffee handle on the scales > tare > fill the basket to the desired weight.
- Once the basket is full, you need to tamp the coffee.
- You are aiming to tamp evenly (not on an angle) and with about the same amount of pressure each time as this will effect the flow of the coffee.
- For example, if you tamp lightly, the coffee will come through more easily and you'll need to use a finer grind. And vice versa if you give it a bit more muscle.
- Lock the handle into the coffee machine and press the go button.
- If you're coffee machine has been programmed, the water will stop on its own. Otherwise, you'll need to keep an eye on it and stop it yourself.
- The amount of water that you want to come through will depend on your water-to-coffee ratio.
- You can measure this either using a shot glass or scales.
Step-by-step: The milk
If you this is how you have your coffee, work with your espresso machine to create creamy, cafe-style milk.
Stretch/steam/texture the milk.
- Before you start, turn the steam wand on and off quickly to clear it out.
- Fill your milk jug to about halfway with cold milk.
- Put the tip of the steam wand just under the surface of the milk and turn on the steam wand.
- Position the steam wand in the top-right corner so you create a gentle whirlpool.
- You can add more air to the milk by slightly and incrementally lowering the jug. The more foam you want, the more you do this.
- Once you have enough foam, stop dropping the jug and just stick with the whirlpool.
- Heat to the desired temperature and turn it off.
Pouring the milk.
- Once you've textured your milk, check out your handiwork. If you've got a few bubbles or you've created too much foam, you can scrape these off with a spoon. When you're doing this, think about the coffee you're making e.g. more foam is needed for a cappuccino than a flat white.
- Swirl your milk around to make sure it's all mixed in together. When milk sits, it can start to separate into layers.
- Pour away. Start by pouring into the centre of the cup evenly and consistently. The better you get, the fancier your pour.
Introducing the espresso machine
The basics.
How does an espresso machine work?
Espresso machines work by using pressure to press water through ground coffee - the extraction. The coffee that this machine produces is called the ‘extraction’ (aka espresso or a short black). It then uses steam to create creamy, textured milk.
How do I make good espresso coffee?
The key to making good coffee with an espresso machine is getting a good extraction.
Once you understand the water to coffee ratio, grind, and tamp, you can tweak each and create an extraction that's consistent and steady.
The espresso machine sweet spot
Espresso machines can vary quite a bit so it pays to get to know yours.
Understanding the water-to-coffee ratio, grind size, and tamp pressure.
There are three main things that can effect your espresso machine extraction: The water-to-coffee ratio, grind size, and tamp pressure. You're trying to get all these things working in harmony for a consistent, steady, and even extraction.
For example, if the coffee is coming through too quickly, you need more coffee, a finer grind and/or firmer tamp pressure. And it's coming through too slowly, you need less coffee, a coarser grind and/or a lighter tamp pressure.
A good way to get started is with a fixed coffee-to-water ratio, and a consistent and even tamp. You can then only have to worry about the grind.
What is the water-to-coffee ratio?
The water-to-coffee ratio is just the amount of water you are going to use and the amount of coffee you are going to use.
It's important because it will dictate the balance between the two - kind of like when you are making a cordial or G&T.
A good starting point is a 1:2 ratio – one part coffee to two parts water. In a standard double shot, this may be 20 grams of coffee to 40 grams of water.
What water-to-coffee ratio should I use?
- Check out what size coffee baskets your espresso machine comes with - there are usually single and double shot baskets that are measured in grams e.g. a 20g basket).
- Decide whether you want a single shot or a double shot.
- Figure out the coffee/water ratio. If it’s an 18g basket, you’ll want to use about 36g of water.
How do I measure the water-to-coffee ratio?
Again, this depends on your espresso machine. With some espresso machines, you can programme a button so that the same amount of water comes out each time you press it. For other machines, you press a button to start the water and then press it again when you want to stop it.
- Figure out which type of machine you have.
- If your machine can be programmed, do so following the user manual and your water-to-coffee ratio.
- If you machine can't be programmed, you can use a measuring cup/shot glass each time. Or, you can use scales: Put your coffee cup on the scales > tare > Put the coffee cup and scales under the group head and pour your extraction > Press the stop button once it's reached the desired amount.
Adjusting the grind.
Espresso machines are very sensitive to the grind of the coffee. If it's too coarse, the coffee will pour too quickly. And if it's too fine, the coffee will drip pour too slowly. Neither result in a good tasting coffee.
Your job is to adjust the grind coarser or finer to ensure a consistent, even, and steady flow.
Use fresh coffee
But not too fresh...
See our Coffee Freshness blog post for more info.
Why is coffee freshness important?
Like fruit, coffee is a perishable product that can be too fresh, past its best, or just right. Coffee that's too fresh or not fresh enough won't have all the oils, flavours and aromas that it should and it's harder to make coffee with (especially espresso).
What happens if coffee is too fresh?
When making espresso, coffee that’s too fresh will be hard to get a consistent extraction out of. You might notice it pouring too quickly, being bubbly or gassy, and tasting a bit sharp.
What happens if coffee is past it's best?
Coffee that is past its best will also be hard to use, particularly when making espresso. You might notice it pours too quickly, the crema doesn’t last, and the coffee is dull or lacking in flavour.
How do I get coffee that's just right?
The coffee you buy from Riley will be aged before it’s sent, so all you need to worry about is keeping the coffee fresh.
- Once you open the bag, store it in an airtight container, and a cool, dark place.
- Grind the coffee it just before you use it rather than using pre-ground coffee. This is particularly important for espersso (see below).