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September's single origin
Our single origin coffee for September is from the Chiapas region in the south of Mexico. These guys are no...
Riley has landed in selected Woolworths stores
When Riley began a few years ago, we never imagined we’d be on the shelves of Woolworths. That seemed like...
August's single origin: Timaná, Colombia
In 2023, one of our team here at Riley, Damon, went over to Colombia to check out some of the...
July's single origin: Honduras
Our single origin for July is from a cooperative in Honduras. The co-op began way back in 1994 to help...
Bringing cafe coffee to the Coromandel's Hot Water Beach
Tucked away in a tropical plant paradise is Hot Waves Café, just a short walk away from the iconic Hot...
Coffee freshness
Want the best flavour out of your coffee? Start with freshness. Like fruit, roasted coffee is a perishable product that...
Single origin coffee: Indonesian Sibalanga
This month’s single origin coffee is from Indonesia’s North Sumatra, in an area called Sibalanga. We’ll be roasting this right...